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        What We Do

        Drafting tax laws,regulations and detailed implementing rules;providing advice on the making of tax policies;making joint efforts with the MOF to report and instructing implementation measures;interpreting tax laws and policies in the process of enforcement and reporting afterwards to the MOF for record-filing.


        Wang Jun Commissioner
        Li Jianming Discipline Inspector
        Yao Laiying Deputy Commissioner
        Liu Lijian Deputy Commissioner
        Wang Daoshu Deputy Commissioner
        Zhao Jing Deputy Commissioner
        Rao Lixin Chief Economist
        Luo Tianshu Chief Accountant
        Cai Zili Chief Auditor

        Organizational Structure

        · Departments of STA
        • · General Office
        • · Tax Policy and Legislation Department
        • · Goods and Services Tax Department
        • · Income Tax Department
        • · Property and Behavior Tax Department
        • · Social Insurance Department (Non-Tax Revenue Department)
        • · International Taxation Department
        • · Revenue Planning and Accounting Department
        • · Taxpayer Service Department
        · Agencies directly under STA
        • · Education Center
        • · Logistics Center
        • · E-tax Management Center  
        • · Procurement Center
        • · Tax Science and Research Institute
        • · Tax Publicity Center
        • · Tax Academy of STA
        • · China Tax Magazine