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        Tax revenue by tax category in 2018

        In 2018, tax revenue of Goods and Services Tax (GST), Income Taxes, Property and Behavior Taxes were 9283.9 billion RMB, 4936.2 billion RMB and 2775.8 billion RMB, accounting for 54.6 percent, 29.1 percent and 16.3 percent respectively.

        Tax revenue by tax category in 2018

        The revenues of Value Added Tax (VAT), Enterprise Income Tax, Business Tax (Business Tax in 2018 was the supplementary payment of previous years.), Excise Tax, and Individual Income Tax were 7767.1 billion RMB, 3549 billion RMB, 17.9 billion RMB, 1153.7 billion RMB, 1387.2 billion RMB, accounting for 45.7 percent, 20.9 percent, 0.1 percent, 6.8 percent and 8.2 percent of the aggregate tax revenue respectively.

        Tax revenue by tax type in 2018