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        Protecting taxpayers' rights

        Starting from 2013, the STA has stepped up efforts in protecting taxpayers' rights by clarifying detailed requirements on such aspects as rule-based administration, dispute resolution and establishment of taxpayers' rights protection departments. In 2015, the STA revised the Guidelines for Taxpayer Services Complaints to improve related work mechanism. In 2016, the STA took extra steps to establish a complaint handling mechanism by integrating existing complaint channels and improving the complaint response mechanism. In 2019, in combination with the theme education of Remaining True to our Original Aspiration and Keep our Mission Firmly in Mind, the STA further revised the Guidelines for Taxpayers Services Complaints which expanded the range of complaints, compressed the time limit of complaint processing and built up a fast processing mechanism so as to better protect the legal rights of taxpayers and fee-payers. 

        After an upgrade in its work mechanism on collecting and responding to taxpayer requests and improving taxpayer service in 2016, the STA has conducted nationwide surveys on tax and fee cuts with 1140000 taxpayers involved in 2019. By shedding light on the needs from both taxpayers and tax officials engaging in taxpayer service, the surveys have provided guidance to further improve taxpayer service, satisfaction and compliance. 

        Strengthened international exchanges in the area of taxpayer protection were also seen in recent years. Since 2017, the STA has worked with the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) for two consecutive years on profiling the status quo of taxpayer protection in China. In 2019, the STA attended the Fourth International Taxpayers' Rights Conference held by IBFD, laying the foundation for future assessment in this area by international organizations.